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Unable to get latest of a Web view on local machine

I am trying to take latest using cleartool update command but it throws an error saying "abc" is not a valid snapshot view path, maybe because mine is not a snapshot view but rather a Web view.

How can I get latest of Web view?

My view is C:\CCRC\WKB
Actual view on server looks something like //aet/ccase/vws1/s123/dev.po.vws

How should I write the command to get the latest Web view?


  • As mentioned in "About ClearCase views"

    A web view is a copy-based ClearCase view that is tolerant of high-latency connections to a CCRC WAN server, although it may be used in both wide-area network (WAN) and local area network (LAN) environments.
    In other respects, web views are similar to snapshot views

    cleartool update is supposed to work with web views.

    ClearCase Remote Client—Update elements in a web view from the command line:

    update [ –print ] [ –ove/rwrite | –nov/erwrite | –ren/ame ] [ –ptime ] [ pname ... ]

    The issue here is that the real snapshot view that is created by ccweb and resides on the web server where ccweb is running.
    You would need to access the view on the server side for a cleartool update to run.

    Try instead to use rcleartool (see getting started with rcleartool) in order to script a rcleartool update for a web view.