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IRepository, IService, Unity in an ASP.NET MVC Application, reference question

I'm new to Unity, but this question is more generic to IoC, and I’m pretty new to implementing IoC as a whole. I have VS2010 solution with this project structure (simplified slightly):

  • Business Objects – Folder
    • DomainModel (Class Lib prj.) – Entity Framework 2 POCO entities
  • Data Layer – Folder
    • DataAccess (Class Lib prj.) – EF2 EDMX
    • Repository (Class Lib prj.) – IRepository interface & repository concrete implementations
  • Presentation Layer – folder
    • WebUI – MVC Project
  • Service Layer
    • Service (Class Lib prj.) – IService interface and service (façade pattern) concrete implementations

All project reference the DomainModel project.

Repository references the DataAccess project.

Service Layer references the Repository project.

WebUI references the Service project & the Unity assemblies.

I have Unity configured to inject all my service types correctly in the WebUI (global.asax via a custom UnityControllerFactory.cs). But how do I configure Unity in the service layer to inject the repository objects?

I DON’T want to reference the Repository project from the WebUI to ensure during development no one shortcuts and bypass the Service layer.

Couple Ideas I have (not sure if it will solve it):

  1. Move the IRepository Interfaces into the DomainModel and add the Unity.RegisterType<> calls for the IRepository
  2. Set up Unity configuration in the Web.config

Any direction would be greatly appreciated, specifically to how to configure Unity for the service layer / Repository, but also in general about the project.


  • Add a bootstrapper of some sort in the Service project. Then reference the bootstrapper in the WebUI.

    One way to do this would be to write a small Unity extension. Something like this:

    public class ServiceLayerBootstrap : UnityContainerExtension
        protected override void Initialize()
            Container.RegisterType<IRepository, WhateverRepositoryImplementation>();
            // etc.

    Then, in the web project where you create the container and initialize it, do this:

    var container = new UnityContainer()