I got User Defaults with the key "abc" for example and it contains a string.
The last string stored in this key is "aaa".
Now, I want to store an additional value for this key, but I don't want to delete the last value "aaa" because I need it.
I want to have an Array of strings contains at the second retreive: ["aaa","some_other_value", "some_other_value2"...].
This is my code so far to store the information in user defaults:
self.user_defaults.set(self.myTextField.text, forKey:"asd")
This is the code for get the data:
if let arr = user_defaults.string(forKey:"asd"){
print (arr)
Try follwing code for save new value :
if let arr = user_defaults.array(forKey: "asd")
var arrvalues = arr as! [String]
self.user_defaults.set(arrvalues, forKey:"asd")
print (arr)
self.user_defaults.set([self.myTextField.text], forKey:"asd")
This is the code for get the data:
if let arr = user_defaults.array(forKey:"asd"){
print (arr)