In one of my view I need to recopy an attribute value into another attribute.
Here is the code in my code in coffeescript
class MyFactoryView extends Backbone.View
initialize: ->
@model.fetch reset: true
@model.set('NewStatus', @model.get('CurrentStatus'))
This code throws an undefined exception when I call get.
But if I do a console.log @model, I can see the CurrentStatus
in attributes.
As mu said, fetch
is async and you only have access to the attributes once it's finished.
class MyFactoryView extends Backbone.View
initialize: ->
reset: true
context: @
success ->
@model.set('NewStatus', @model.get('CurrentStatus'))
For that specific line, it could be simpler to use the parse
function of the model to initialise the NewStatus
attribute on sync.
For the console, take a look at this answer which explains that the console contains live references and doesn't copy anything.