I'm addressing an issue with WebSocket that I'm not able to understand.
Please, use the code below as reference:
int write_buffer_size = 8000 +
char *write_buffer = new unsigned char[write_buffer_size];
/* ... other code
write_buffer is filled in some way that is not important for the question
n = libwebsocket_write(wsi, &write_buffer[LWS_SEND_BUFFER_PRE_PADDING], write_len,
if (n < 0) {
cerr << "ERROR " << n << " writing to socket, hanging up" << endl;
if (utils) {
log = "wsmanager::error: hanging up writing to websocket";
return -1;
if (n < write_len) {
cerr << "Partial write: " << n << " < " << write_len << endl;
if (utils) {
log = "wsmanager-error: websocket partial write";
return -1;
When I try to send data bigger than 7160 bytes I receive always the same error, e.g. Partial write: 7160 < 8000.
Do you have any kind of explanation for that behavior?
I have allocated a buffer with 8000 bytes reserved for the payload so I was expecting to be able to send a maximum amount of data of 8K, but 7160 (bytes) seems to be the maximum amount of data I can send.
Any help is appreciated, thanks!
We solved the issue updating libwebsockets to 1.7.3 version.
We also optimized the code using a custom callback called when the channel is writable
WSManager::onWritable() {
int ret, n;
struct fragment *frg;
if (!send_queue.empty() && !lws_partial_buffered(wsi)) {
frg = send_queue.front();
n = lws_write(wsi, frg->content + LWS_PRE, frg->len, (lws_write_protocol)frg->mode);
ret = checkWsWrite(n, frg->len);
if (ret >= 0 && !lws_partial_buffered(wsi)) {
if (frg->mode == WS_SINGLE_FRAGMENT || frg->mode == WS_LAST_FRAGMENT)
// pop fragment and free memory only if lws_write was successful