I keep getting "You do not have permission to perform this action." when attempting to connect. What am I missing?
url = 'https://api.getstream.io/api/v1.0/feed/user/12353253/?api_key=API_KEY'
payload = {
'resource' => 'feed',
'action' => 'read',
'feed_id' => 'user:12353253'
token = JWT.encode(payload, secret, 'HS256')
options[:headers] = {
'Authorization' => token,
'stream-auth-type' => 'jwt'
response = HTTParty.get(url, options)
It looks like you got everything right except for the value for feed_id
in the payload. It should be the "user12353253" instead of "user:12353253" (no semicolon).
P.S. I am one of the founders of Stream, REST API does not explain this well. We will update them asap.