I converted my mysql 5.7 database to utf8mb4 today.
As a test, I've put a poo emoji (💩) in a field, using Navicat.
It displays fine in Navicat, even if I quit and re-open the program.
The problem comes when I retrieve it using PDO in my script and echo it out to the browser; I get ������ (6 diagonal black question markes).
If I copy the character directly into my script and echo that, it works.
So it's not a problem with mysql.
It's not a problem with the font.
It's not a problem with my browser.
It's not a problem with php echoing.
So... it's a problem with PDO?
This is my PDO code:
$PDO = new PDO('mysql:host='.DB_SERVER.';dbname='.DB_NAME.';charset=utf8mb4', DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, [
$PDO->query("SET NAMES 'utf8mb4' COLLATE 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci'");
$rs = $PDO->query("SELECT name FROM users WHERE id = 1000"); // name has been set to 💩
while ($a = $rs->fetch()) {
If I check the output of SHOW VARIABLES WHERE Variable_name LIKE 'character\_set\_%' OR Variable_name LIKE 'collation%';
in php in the browser every output is correctly utf8mb4
(apart from character_set_system
which is simply utf8
, but I think that's normal?)
What else could it be?
The problem was an outdated version of Navicat. Upgrading from 8 to 11 has fixed my issues. I realised this was probably the cause when I discovered that emojis INSERTed via php were correctly stored and retrieved in PHP, but wouldn't show correctly in Navicat.
Similarly the opposite was true; emojis set in Navicat would correctly store and retrieve in Navicat, but not in PHP.
Looking at the encoding options for navicat connections, it had a checkbox for "use mysql encoding", but if left unchecked the dropdown of possible options included only utf8, not utf8mb4. I guess navicat 8 pre-dates that being in common usage.
A quick upgrade, and everything works perfectly.