Using vi on a Solaris 10 system. When I search for a string with the common syntax
the placement of the found line is semingly random within the 60 lines on my display. Sometimes it is near the top, sometimes middle, often the last line.
I would like it to be at a consistent location, (somewhere above the bottom). The following will always place it in the middle
How can I make that the default behavior so that if I simply type
it will display the found line in the middle every time?
Adding in your ~/.vimrc
something like:
let g:in_search = 0
function! StartSearch()
let g:in_search = 1
function! EndSearch()
if g:in_search
normal! zz
let g:in_search = 0
nnoremap / <ESC>:call StartSearch()<CR>/
cnoremap <CR> <CR>:call EndSearch()<CR>
nnoremap n nzz
nnoremap N Nzz
could do the trick.
But maybe you just need:
set incsearch
set hlsearch