I actually don't even know how to call this :P, but...
I have one table, let's call it "uploads"
id owner date
0 foo 20100101120000
1 bar 20100101120300
2 foo 20100101120400
3 bar 20100101120600
.. .. ..
6 foo 20100101120800
Now, when I'ld do something like:
This would result in:
id owner date
6 foo 20100101120800
.. .. ..
3 bar 20100101120600
2 foo 20100101120400
1 bar 20100101120300
0 foo 20100101120000
Question: Nice, but, I want to go even further. Because now, when you would build a timeline (and I did :P), you are 'spammed' by messages saying foo and bar uploaded something. I'ld like to group them and return the first result with a time-limit of '500' at the date-field.
What kind of SQL-command do I need that would result in:
id owner date
6 foo 20100101120800
3 bar 20100101120600
0 foo 20100101120000
Then, after that, I can perform a call for each record to get the associative records in a timeframe of 5 minutes (this is an exmaple for id=6):
SELECT id FROM uploads WHERE date>=20100101120800-500 ORDER BY date DESC
Does anyone now how I should do the first step? (so limiting/grouping the results)
(btw. I know that when I want to use this, I should convert every date (YmdHis=60) to Unix-time (=100), but I don't need the 5 minutes to be exactly 5 minutes, they may be a minute less sometimes...)
I'm not quite clear on the result you are trying to get, even with your examples. Perhaps something with rounding and group by.
SELECT max(id) max_id,owner, (ROUND(date/500)*500) date_interval, max(date) date
FROM uploads GROUP BY date_interval,owner
You may want to use FLOOR or CEILING instead of ROUND, depending on what you want.