I'm new to programming and I'm creating a pdf with FPDF(A PHP Class). At the bottom of my code you will notice that I create a new page and call the function Header(). For some reason, the header is also applied to the first page. How do I only apply the header to the second page?
Here is a link to a live version of the pdf: http://fosterinnovationculture.com/experiments/fpdf/index-two.php
// classes
class PDF extends FPDF
function Logo(){
//change name of function
function HeaderOne($xCor, $yCor, $text)
//Add bottom border
function BorderLine()
$this->Rect(1, 10, 6.5, .015, 'F');
function Footer()
// Go to 1.5 cm from bottom
// Select Arial italic 8
// Print centered page number
$this->Cell(0,10,'Page '.$this->PageNo(),0,0,'R');
function Header(){
// Subtitle
// Line
$this->Rect(1, .5, 6.5, .015, 'F');
//pdf document preferences
$pdf = new PDF('p', 'in', 'Letter');
//Page 1
$pdf->Rect(1, 1, 6.5, .25, 'F');
$pdf->HeaderOne(1,9,'Innovation Readiness Assessment');
//Page 2
// Close and output file to the browser
See the official documentation for Header()
The AddPage()
function already internally calls Header()
There is no need to call Header()
explicitly here.