Search code examples

Serialize Haystack SearchQuerySet

I have some Django queries dumped in files that are delayed so I pass as parameter sql_with_params to later execute in the delayed a raw query.

I have migrated all queries to haystack so I wan't to do the same with SearchQuerySet.

Is there any way to get the raw_query of an already constructed SearchQuerySet?

PD: I am using ElasticSearch


  • Sure, here's one way that unfortunately requires a bit of plumbing. You can create a custom search engine and set its query to your own query definition inheriting from ElasticsearchSearchQuery:

    from haystack.backends.elasticsearch_backend import ElasticsearchSearchEngine, ElasticsearchSearchQuery
    class ExtendedElasticsearchSearchQuery(ElasticsearchSearchQuery):
        def build_query(self):
            raw_query = super(ExtendedElasticsearchSearchQuery, self).build_query()
            # TODO: Do something with raw query
            return raw_query
    class ExtendedElasticsearchSearchEngine(ElasticsearchSearchEngine):
        query = ExtendedElasticsearchSearchQuery

    and reference that from your settings:

        'default': {
            'ENGINE': 'myapp.mymodule.ExtendedElasticsearchSearchEngine',
            'URL': 'http://localhost:9200/',
            'INDEX_NAME': 'haystack'