Search code examples

SchemaTron check preceding attributes

      <BlockDates Start="2015-10-20" End="2015-10-20" />
        <Type TypeCode="SGL" />

      <BlockDates Start="2015-10-19" End="2015-10-18"/>
        <Type TypeCode="SGL" />

I need to report an error if the @Start date is less than the preceding @End date. But only if the @TypeCode is the same as the preceding @TypeCode. The above should generate an error. Below is what I have tried. Any help is appreciated!

   <sch:schema xmlns:sch="">
                    <sch:rule context="BlockDates|Type">
                            <sch:report test="translate(@Start, '-', '') &lt;= translate(preceding::*/@End, '-', '') and @TypeCode = preceding::*/@TypeCode"> Error start date is before end date and type codes match.     </sch:report>                                                               
    </sch:rule>                                    </sch:pattern>                                                              


  • I would use the Block element as the context:

        <sch:rule context="Block[Types/Type/@TypeCode = preceding-sibling::Block[1]/Types/Type/@TypeCode]">
            <sch:assert test="translate(BlockDates/@Start, '-', '') &lt; translate(preceding-sibling::Block[1]/@End, '-', '')"></sch:assert>