I have a character string in which I would like to only remove the line breaks followed immediately by a lowercase letter. For example, my string might contain:
one line of text \r\n another line \r\nof text,
which would show up as:
one line of text
another line
of text.
In this example, I would only want to remove the second line break, so that the text would then read:
one line of text
another line of text
I know that the pattern is "\r\n[a-z]", and so the code should be something like
but I cannot come up with code that removes the line break while retaining the lowercase letter.
We can use a regex lookaround
txtN <- gsub("\r\n(?=[a-z])", "", txt, perl = TRUE)
cat(txtN, sep="\n")
# one line of text
# another line of text,