As long as I can remember, whenever I use a module I include a use
line at the beginning of my code.
Recently I was writing two Moose object modules that use each other. Look at this over-simplistic example:
One module:
package M1 0.001;
use Moose;
use 5.010;
use namespace::autoclean;
has 'name' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => 'Str',
required => 1,
has 'very_cool_name' => (
is => 'ro',
lazy => 1,
builder => '_build_very_cool_name',
sub _build_very_cool_name {
my ($self) = @_;
my $m2 = M2->new( m1 => $self );
return 'very ' . $m2->cool_name();
Another module: package M2 0.001;
use Moose;
use 5.010;
use Data::Dumper; # TODO DEBUG REMOVE
use namespace::autoclean;
use M1;
has 'm1' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => 'M1',
required => 1,
sub cool_name {
my ($self) = @_;
return 'cool ' . $self->m1->name();
And a short example that uses them:
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;
use M1;
use M2;
my $m1 = M1->new(name => 'dave');
say $m1->very_cool_name();
Now, note the two modules use each other. M1
creates an instance of M2
and use it to generate very_cool_name
, while M2
has an instance of M1
as an attribute.
Now, if I uncomment use M2;
in M1
my eclipse goes mad. I guess it's because this a the loop created by this 'circular use`.
I commented this use
and everything seems to works fine (I think...), but makes me really anxious (I'm using an object without use
-ing its class! Is that 'legal'?..). This also which made me wonder:
When do I really need to use use
? I think that I was taught to always use it, and surely when I use an object.
Is there anything fundamentally wrong when two modules use each other (in the sense that each uses an object of the other module; I know there some cases where this is logically impossible, but sometimes - as in this case - I think it does make sense).
There's no reason for M2 to use M1
. You don't actually have a recursive dependency.
All M2 does is validate some object's classname -- which doesn't require having loaded M1 -- and call a method on it -- which means whoever constructed that object loaded M1.
Your rule about needing to use
a class in order to call methods on an object of that class is wrong. use
a class when you're going to call methods on the it directly -- for example, new
. (This assumes pure OO modules, obviously, not things that export functions/symbols.)
Consider polymorphism. It is a feature that I can make my own subclass of M1 (called, say, M1A) and pass it to M2 without M2 having to know anything about the existence of M1A.