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Using inheritance for encapsulating composition

Is this good/acceptable practice to derive from object only to hide all logic related to creation of that object.

For example (although not perfect example) I have a Scene class. I want to initialize it with some entities, some systems, set background color and so on. I could create Factory for that but instead I choose to do all that in constructor of derived class.

Instead of this:

var scene = new Scene();
scene.Systems (new ColisionSystem);
scene.Systems (new MovementSystem);
scene.SceneGraph = new MyCustomSceneGraph();

I do this:

class MyScene : Scene
    void MyScene(SceneGraph sceneGraph)
        this.Systems (new ColisionSystem);
        this.Systems (new MovementSystem);

        this.SceneGraph = sceneGraph;

var scene = new MyScene(new MyCustomSceneGraph());

So I am hiding all that creation stuff in constructor and as a bonus I got separate file for every scene I will create.

On the other way. If I ever create a scene editor this can be a problem. Because in that case client of the scene object should be responsible for preparing Scene, and not the scene itself.

So is this acceptable practice or does is violate SRP?


  • You have identified the exact problem with the subclass-per-composition approach: it is bound to compile time, making run-time composition a lot harder.

    In addition, hard-coding composition logic into subclass constructor requires you to recompile every time that you need to change the logic, even though the only thing that gets changed is the run-time instance graph inside your system.

    You can address the requirement of composing your objects at run-time by adding a class that describes connections without creating them, and then adding a constructor that takes the descriptions, and processes them into a complete Scene object.

    To make this less abstract, think of a configuration file in your favorite human-readable format, e.g.

    {"Systems":["ColisionSystem", "MovementSystem"], "SceneGraph":"MyCustomSceneGraph"}

    and an interface that lets you access this data:

    interface SceneConfiguration {
        IList<String> Systems {get;}
        String SceneGraph {get;}
        ... // More configuration items

    Now consider a parser that produces an instance of SceneConfiguration from this representation, and a constructor of Scene that takes SceneConfiguration as its argument:

    public Scene(SceneConfiguration config)

    This arrangement lets you "soft-code" the composition through a configuration file. The approach works great with scene editors, too: your scene editor creates instances of SceneConfiguration, while Scene remains in control of creating itself.