Here is the code used inside the Beego MVC architecture.
var maps []orm.Params
//Pallets Completed already.
o.Raw("Select SUM(Things) as AllTheThings FROM SomeTable").Values(&maps)
numThings := strconv.Atoi(maps[0]["AllTheThings"].(string))
c.Data["Stuff"] = maps[0]["AllTheThings"]
Error: multiple-value strconv.Atoi() in single-value context
Trying to figure out how I can get data out with our ORM and type cast it so arithmetic can be done on it.
Any more details please let me know.
strconv.Atoi has a signature of:
func Atoi(s string) (int, error)
you should check the error before using the result, like so:
var maps []orm.Params
//Pallets Completed already.
o.Raw("Select SUM(Things) as AllTheThings FROM SomeTable").Values(&maps)
numThings, err := strconv.Atoi(maps[0]["AllTheThings"].(string))
if err != nil {
// couldn't convert
c.Data["Stuff"] = maps[0]["AllTheThings"]