I wrote some code that uses enumerate to loop through a list.
for index, item in enumerate(list[start_idx:end_idx])
print('index [%d] item [%s]'%(str(index), item))
the item in the list are just strings. Sometimes I do not want to enumerate for the whole list, sometimes I'll slice up the list do do different things.
The part that I am having trouble with is python's enumerate function.
The docs say you can do:
for index, item in enumerate(list, start_index):
the above code doesn't do what I expected. I though enumerate would start at the start position and stop at the end, but it doesn't.
I wrote a small program and it does indeed act wonky.
>>> for i, x in enumerate(range(0,20),start=4):
... print(str(i)+'\t'+str(x))
4 0
5 1
6 2
7 3
8 4
9 5
10 6
11 7
12 8
13 9
14 10
15 11
16 12
17 13
18 14
19 15
20 16
21 17
22 18
23 19
I would expect enumerate to start at index 4 and loop to the end. So it would get the range of 4-19 but it seems to just start the index but still iterates from 0-19..
Question, is there a way to do a iteration loop starting at a specific index in python?
My expected outcome would be
>>> for i, x in enumerate(range(0,20),start=4):
... print(str(i)+'\t'+str(x))
4 0 # skip
5 1 # until
6 2 # this
7 3 # item
8 4
9 5
10 6
11 7
12 8
13 9
14 10
15 11
16 12
17 13
18 14
19 15
20 16
21 17
22 18
23 19
instead of starting the index at the start position provide.
Actually if you got range
object it's not a big deal to make a slice from it, because range(n)[:4]
is still range
object(as @MosesKoledoye mentioned it's Python 3 feature). But if you got a list, for the sake of not creating new list you can choose itertools.islice
, it will return iterator.
from itertools import islice
for index, item in enumerate(islice(range(20), 4, None)):
print(index, item)
0 4
1 5
2 6
3 7
4 8