I'll try to be polite talking about xCode
we updated provisioning profiles
because prev ones are expired.
Now I can archive/build from xCode
but can't using xcodebuild
(which must be the same)
I did everything:
sudo xcodebuild -scheme nl.xxx.demo.iphone -workspace xxx.xcworkspace clean build
=== BUILD TARGET xxxWatchAppDemo Extension OF PROJECT xxx WITH CONFIGURATION Debug ===
Check dependencies
Code Sign error: No provisioning profiles found: No non–expired provisioning profiles were found.
But when I'm archiving or building through xCode
everything is just fine, and inside ipa
, embedded.mobileprovision
is actually our new mobileprovision
with UUID d9179316-6950-4369-94dc-b7d71bba25a1
And if I explicitly set provisioning profile - it doesn't work out:
sudo xcodebuild -scheme nl.xxx.demo.iphone -workspace xxx.xcworkspace archive PROVISIONING_PROFILE=d9179316-6950-4369-94dc-b7d71bba25a1
Code Sign error: No matching provisioning profile found: Your build settings specify a provisioning profile with the UUID “d9179316-6950-4369-94dc-b7d71bba25a1”, however, no such provisioning profile was found.
Not found??? Really?
I checked /Users/xxx/Library/.../Provisioning Profiles/...
and it's there.
I deleted it, added, repeated it 10 times, no result.
What kind of magic it is?
Any help appreciated. Thanks
So Jenkins
has been running under buildagent user, however provisioning profiles weren't found.
I created symbolic link to my
in very root folder - /Library/
That solved my issue