I am creating an android app and I write following classes and interface and codes .Because I try to use MVP pattern , But now I am not sure that my codes are standard or not ? should I use Dagger2 for Di or should not? model , presenter class are below:
public class ChangePasswordModel{
public void saveChange(final String oldPass, final String newPass, final ChangePasswordCallback callback) {
/*in real world it change password with API*/
} }
my presenter is :
public class ChangePasswordPresenter{
private ChangePasswordContract.View mView;//this is an interface to interact with Activity
public ChangePasswordPresenter(ChangePasswordContract.View mView) {
this.mView = mView;
public void pSaveChange(String oldPass, String newPass) {
ChangePasswordModel model = new ChangePasswordModel();
model.saveChange(oldPass, newPass, new ChangePasswordCallback() {
public void onDo() {
mView.showMessage("password Changed");
The sample codes that you mentioned in your question is a correct implementation of MVP which can get improved by some changes.
The best practice is a mixture of Dagger, MVP, RxJava, Retrofit and Mock tests which improve the quality and readability of your project. MVP helps you with a clean and separate layered code and RxJava will help with wiring different layers up together and Dagger2 can really helps you with managing dependencies and also make your Mocking in test easy.
You can take a look at this sample project repo on my Github which has been developed using Dagger, MVP and there are also some test available: