My question is:
I have been reading some articles and seeing some tutorials from Udemy about OrientDB, I found about what is a Query Language, like SQL, but I couldn't find how to send a Query from the Server to the DataBase OrientDB . I am making the server in Node.js.
I found how to start the connection and close it:
var OrientDB = require('orientjs');
var server = OrientDB({
host: 'localhost',
port: 8082, //I am using the port 8081 for Binary and 8082 for Http
username: 'root',
password: 'rootPassword'
I have been reading the OrientDB Documents but I couldn't find it.
all you need is just search in the official documentation
var targetAvg = 0.3;
var targetTeam = 'Red Sox';
var hitters = db.query(
'SELECT name, battavg FROM Player WHERE battavg >= :ba AND team = :team',
{params: {
ba: targetAvg,
team: targetTeam
},limit: 20 }