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Bookdown: Set Page Breaks

I cannot find out how to make a page break in R bookdown. With page break I mean that the content within one page is displayed as one website.

By default there is always a page break in front of every new section (like # Chapter 1). So, if I run render_book each section becomes one html file. But, if I have a lot of subsections then these sites get very long.

I would like to have page breaks before every subsection (like ## Chapter 1.1).

So far I tried adding \newpage, \pagebreak, --------------- to the .Rmd or to just provide the .Rmd files in the same structure as I would like to have them as .html files. Either way, the .html files are always created according to the sections.


  • I think this is specified by the split_by argument of gitbook as documented here.

    Sounds like you are using chapter but you want to be using section

    The split_by argument specifies how you want to split the HTML output into multiple pages, and its possible values are:

    • rmd: use the base filenames of the input Rmd files to create the HTML filenames, e.g., generate chapter3.html for chapter3.Rmd;
    • none: do not split the HTML file (the book will be a single HTML file);
    • chapter: split the file by the first-level headers;
    • section: split the file by the second-level headers;
    • chapter+number and section+number: similar to chapter and section, but the files will be numbered;