I have models for Coordinate and Weather events. Coordinate objects do not reference weather events but each Weather object has a ForeignKeyField to a Coordinate. I would like to return all of the Coordinate objects that are not referenced by a foreign key in the Weather model.
I imagine there is a single query to to this but the following is the closest I have come and illustrates what I am trying to achieve:
coords = Coordinate.select()
no_weather = Coordinate.select().join(Weather).where(~(Weather.coordinate << coords))
I am hoping I am close since leaving out the "~" does return all of the Coordinate objects associated with Weather objects; I just want the reverse.
There are a lot of ways you could do this. Here's one:
.join(Weather, JOIN.LEFT_OUTER)
.having(fn.COUNT(Weather.id) == 0))
Maybe also:
.where(Weather.coordinate == Coordinate.id))))