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How to make a synchronous request using Alamofire?

I am trying to do a synchronous request using Alamofire. I have looked on Stackoverflow and found this question: making an asynchronous alamofire request synchronous.

I saw that the accepted answer uses completion to make Alamofire request synchronous but I cannot make it to work. This is my simplified code:

func loadData(completion: (Bool)) -> (Int, [String], [String], [String]){

    Alamofire.request(url!, method: .get, parameters: nil, encoding: JSONEncoding.default, headers: nil).responseJSON { response in

        switch(response.result) {
        case .success(_):
            if let JSON = response.result.value as! [[String : AnyObject]]!{
                 //Here I retrieve the data


        case .failure(_):

   return (numberRows, nameArray, ageArray, birthdayArray)

With this code I am getting an error when trying to make completion(bool value). The error that I am getting is the following:

Cannot call value of non-function type 'Bool'

I have tried using a lot of examples using completion to get the values synchronously (because I need to retrieve the data before to show it on a table and at the same time get the number of rows of that table) without success.

How can I use that completion to get a synchronous response?

Thanks in advance!


  • Updated:

    You can use a Semaphore to freeze the calling thread until the task has returned a value: Ref

    func performSynchronously(request: URLRequest) -> (data: Data?, response: URLResponse?, error: Error?) {
            let semaphore = DispatchSemaphore(value: 0)
            var data: Data?
            var response: URLResponse?
            var error: Error?
            let task = self.dataTask(with: request) {
                data = $0
                response = $1
                error = $2
            return (data, response, error)

    Now, let’s say that we wanted to render the items loaded by the above WWDCItemsLoader within a SwiftUI view. An initial idea on how to do that might be to do something like this: Ref

    struct WWDCItemsList: View {
        var loader: WWDCItemsLoader
        @State private var loadingState = LoadingState<[WWDCItem]>.idle
        var body: some View {
            switch loadingState {
            case .idle:
                Color.clear.onAppear(perform: loadItems)
            case .loading:
            case .loaded(let items):
                List(items) { item in
                    // Rendering each item
            case .failed(let error):
                ErrorView(error: error, reloadHandler: loadItems)
        private func loadItems() async {
            loadingState = .loading
            do {
                let items = try await loader.load()
                loadingState = .loaded(items)
            } catch {
                loadingState = .failed(error)

    Old Answer: (Swift 2.0)

    when you use completion handler do not use return.

    func loadData(completion: @escaping (_ number: Int, _ strArr1: [String], _ strArr2: [String], _ strArr3: [String]) -> ()){
      Alamofire.request(url!, method: .get, parameters: nil, encoding: JSONEncoding.default, headers: nil).responseJSON { response in
        switch(response.result) {
        case .success(_):
            if let JSON = response.result.value as! [[String : AnyObject]]!{
                //Here I retrieve the data
            completion(number: numberRows, strArr1 : nameArray, strArr2 : ageArray, strArr3: birthdayArray)
        case .failure(_):
            completion(number: numberRows, strArr1 : nameArray, strArr2 : ageArray, strArr3: birthdayArray)
    loadData (completion: { (number, strArr1, strArr2, strArr3) in
        // do it
        // for exapmple
        self.number = number
        self.strArr1 = strArr1
        // and so on

    or if you want return any value in closure you must use completion handler for return any value or some thing like, for example if you want return Boolean value:

    func loadData(completion:(number: numberRows, strArr1 : nameArray, strArr2 : ageArray, strArr3: birthdayArray) -> (Bool))

    and in the loadData

    loadData( completion: { ( number, strArr1, strArr2, strArr3 ) -> (Bool) in
           # code 
           return False

    or some think else.

    I use swift 3. but if you want another version of swift careful about External Parameter Names and internal parameter names, like: @escaping (_ number: Int, _ strArr1: [String], _ strArr2: [String], _ strArr3: [String]) -> ())

    if you want set external parameter names, just need drop _ and set name for parameters.