Good day. I can't save parent with children in same query. But children have null reference for parent... Parent in my DB is table "food_in_the_cart" and model for it is here:
public class FoodInTheCartModel
public virtual int ID { get; set; }
public virtual ClientModel Client { get; set; }
public virtual EstablishmentModel Stocked { get; set; }
public virtual ProductModel DesirableProduct { get; set; }
public virtual IList<CartAdditiveModel> Additives { get; set; } //children
public virtual void AddAdditivesToTheCart(CartAdditiveModel a)
a.Cart = this;
public FoodInTheCartModel()
this.Additives = new List<CartAdditiveModel>();
Mapping also:
public FoodInTheCartMap()
Id(x => x.ID)
References(x => x.Client)
References(x => x.DesirableProduct)
References(x => x.Stocked)
HasMany(x => x.Additives)
And child is cart_additive. Model of cart_additive is type of CartAdditive and has reference for model of food_in_the_cart, also mapping this reference is:
References(x => x.Cart)
Type relationship between these two tables is one to many: food_in_the_cart has many cart_additive. Seems I tried everything for saving query for parent with children... But children still have null value for parent. How to make parent reference in child not null?
I removed Insert() from has many in FoodInTheCartMap and and added AsBug() there, also allowed null values for fk of food_in_the_cart in cart_additives as for reference called Cart in model for this table. All works this way. Yay.