Is it possible to replace the Key
by which an IGrouping
is grouped?
I'm currently grouping by an anonymous type like this:
var groups = orders.GroupBy(o => new { o.Date.Year, o.Date.Month });
But now my grouping key is an anonymous type. I would like to replace this grouping key by a defined Type, "YearMonth", with an overridden ToString
public class YearMonth
public int Year { get; set; }
public int Month { get; set; }
public override string ToString()
return Year + "-" + Month;
Is there any way to replace the grouping key? Or to create a new IGrouping out of the existing IGrouping with a new grouping key?
Well personally I would just group on the string value, since that seems to be what you really care about from the key.
Another simple option would be to create a date representing the month by using a constant day:
orders.GroupBy(o => new DateTime (o.Date.Year, o.Date.Month, 1))
Then you have built-in value equality and string formatting.
You could make YearMoth
an immutable struct, which will also give you value-equality semantics:
public struct YearMonth
public readonly int Year;
public readonly int Month;
public YearMonth(int year, int month)
Year = year;
Month = month;
public override string ToString()
return Year + "-" + Month;