I have this template for my database:
I want to do a query that return all the "Ontologie" linked to one specific "Rubrique".
It can take all the edge except "Facultatif".
I actually have this query that return all the "Ontologie" but it doesn't pass by "Regle" so i don't have every "Ontologie"
SELECT expand(in('Synonyme').in('Identifie').in('Regroupe'))
FROM Rubrique
WHERE libelle = "collèges, lycées avec internat"
You could use
select expand($c)
let $a = ( SELECT * FROM (
SELECT expand(in().in('Identifie').in('Regroupe'))
FROM Rubrique
WHERE libelle="collèges, lycées avec internat"
$b = ( SELECT * FROM (
SELECT expand(in('Pertinent').out('Obligatoire'))
FROM Rubrique
WHERE libelle="collèges, lycées avec internat"
Hope it helps