Hope you are doing good, I just started a basic scala programming for creating API. So I have models product with the following code:
case class Product(prodId:Int, prodBig:int, prodPcs:Int, price:Int, resProd:Double)
object Product{
def add(prodId:Int, prodBig:int, prodPcs:Int): Product = {
Storage.cnts(prodBig, prodPcs)
var resProd = ?????????
val price = 4000
val resJsn = Product(clientId, prodBig, prodPcs, price, resProd)
Ok(Json.obj("result" -> resJsn)).withHeaders(
AUTHORIZATION -> endtoken)
and other class with the following code:
case class Storage (resProd: Double)
object Storage {
def cnts(prodBig:Int, prodPcs:Int) {
val prod = prodPcs/prodBig
My Question is: How do I apply value of prod to resProd? and how do I apply the Storage (resProd) value to resProd at Product class?
I believe this could be easy to answer if you had experience with java or scala. Thanks :)
If you want to manually update Storage.resProd
by calling cnts
, I don't think it's a good idea. Companion object, object Storage
in your code, is suitable for factory methods.
So I recommend
1. Create new Stroage in cnts:
def cnts(prodBig:Int, prodPcs:Int) {
val prod = prodPcs/prodBig
new Storage(prod)
2. Move cnts to class Storage:
case class Storage (var resProd: Double) {
// some update method comes here