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Error trying to get a pixmap from a texture (libGDX)

I have a texture that comes right out of a FrameBuffer via getColorBufferTexture() method. The texture is fine, though vertically flipped as expected, I can draw it in a batch without problems.

I am trying to add it to a PixmapPacker because I want to save it for further use, but I am getting an exception "This TextureData implementation does not return a Pixmap" that I do not know how to overcome.

This is the code involved in the crash:

    if (!frameBuffer.getColorBufferTexture().getTextureData().isPrepared())
    packer.pack("panel_cells", frameBuffer.getColorBufferTexture().getTextureData().consumePixmap());

As you see, I've tried calling prepare() first, but it turned out the texture is always prepared at this point (hence the "if" first), so that's not the problem. Anyway I have left those two lines of code there just in case...

Thanks in advance!


  • It seems I've finally solved this issue by overriden the following method when creating the FrameBuffer:

    FrameBuffer frameBuffer = new FrameBuffer(Pixmap.Format.RGBA8888, bufferSize, bufferSize, false) {
            protected Texture createColorTexture() {
                PixmapTextureData data = new PixmapTextureData(new Pixmap(width, height, format), format, false, false);
                Texture result = new Texture(data);
                result.setFilter(Texture.TextureFilter.Linear, Texture.TextureFilter.Linear);
                result.setWrap(Texture.TextureWrap.ClampToEdge, Texture.TextureWrap.ClampToEdge);
                return result;

    Now I am having problems with the packer, but that's a different story... at least I can get the texture.