Put succinctly, if a query tells me A overlaps B then I don't need it to also tell me that B also overlaps A as they overlap each other.
So I am trying to use a self join in sql to select just 'DISTINCT' overlaps.
To illustrate, here is a simple SQL fiddle that I wrote to show inclusive overlap selection (http://sqlfiddle.com/#!9/7af84f/1)
In detail...
Assume I have a table of name (char), d1 (int), d2 (int) , the schema of which is below. Here d1 and d2 represent the start and end of some interval that might overlap with another interval in the same table,.
letter char ,
d1 int ,
d2 int
) ;
Given this table I fill it with some values
INSERT INTO test (letter,d1,d2)
('A', 2, 10), -- overlaps C and D
('B', 12, 20), -- overlaps E
('C', 5, 10), -- overlaps A and D
('D', 1, 8), -- overlaps A and C
('E', 13, 15), -- overlaps B
('F', 25, 30); -- doesn't overlap anything
and run the following query that uses a self join to correctly find the rows where d1 and d2 in one row has an inclusive overlap with d1 and d2 in other rows.
-- selects all records that overlap in the range d1 - d2 inclusive
-- (excluding the implicit overlap between a record and itself)
-- The results are sorted by letter followed by d1
basetable.letter as test_letter,
overlaptable.letter as overlap_letter,
overlaptable.d1 as overlap_d1,
overlaptable.d2 as overlap_d2
test as basetable,
test as overlaptable
-- there is an inclusive overlap
basetable.d1 <= overlaptable.d2 and basetable.d2 >= overlaptable.d1
-- the row being checked is not itsself
basetable.letter <> overlaptable.letter
basetable.d1 <> overlaptable.d1
basetable.d2 <> overlaptable.d2
That correctly gives me the following, showing all 6 versions of overlaps eg left hand column indicates that A overlaps C and another row shows that C overlaps A (note the sqlfiddle doesn't seem to understand field aliases so my column headers are different)
test_letter d1 d2 overlap_letter overlap_d1 overlap_d2
A 2 10 D 1 8
B 12 20 E 13 15
C 5 10 D 1 8
D 1 8 A 2 10
D 1 8 C 5 10
E 13 15 B 12 20
My question is this:
How can I alter the sql to just get four rows of 'DISTINCT' or 'one way' overlaps?
ie this result...
test_letter d1 d2 overlap_letter overlap_d1 overlap_d2
A 2 10 D 1 8
A 2 10 C 5 10
B 12 20 E 13 15
C 5 10 D 1 8
a result that just shows records for A, B and C in the left hand column according to the following reasoning
You can just change to an inequality. And, you should also use JOIN
SELECT basetable.letter as test_letter, basetable.d1, basetable.d2,
overlaptable.letter as overlap_letter, overlaptable.d1 as overlap_d1, overlaptable.d2 as overlap_d2
FROM test basetable JOIN
test overlaptable
ON basetable.d1 <= overlaptable.d2 AND
basetable.d2 >= overlaptable.d1
WHERE basetable.letter < overlaptable.letter -- This is the change
ORDER BY basetable.letter, basetable.d1;