So basically my PC is behind NAT.
I have total 3 IP addresses,
1. MY ISP Public Address. (
This address has been showed up when I google for "My IP".
2. MY Private Address that My ISP has given me. (
This address has been showed up in my router as my Public Address.
3. My actual Private Address. (
This IP Address is set for my PC by My Router( via DHCP.
I can access my PC locally with this( address.
I can access my PC inside My ISP network (People with same ISP as I have) with this( address.
However I cannot access my PC globally with this( address.
I know this is happening because my ISP having NAT Configuration so my Global IP is useless.
Now I am unable to host Apache(for php) neither Java Servlet Page nor my Counter-Strike 1.6 Game server Globally because of my ISP's NAT.
I tried to find solution for this but failed.
I have my free php host (let's say which is Globally accessible .
so I thought if I used Socket Programming in my PHP web host and make connection from my PC to PHP web host (Which is Globally accessible) then I have a tunnel through PHP web host and my PC.
And then I will redirect all internet traffic from my PHP web host to my PC.
so if i redirect all my internet traffic from ( to ( then I can connect to my server by connecting to my PHP web host.
Now I am new to PHP and never tried socket programming.
This is just my thought and this may sound as foolish if I mistaking the concept of PHP Socket Programming.
Therefore I extremely need help from you guys in order to successfully connect my PC Globally.
Thank you so much for reading this and please help me to solve my problem.
Thank You.
So judging by what your trying to achieve, your best bet is to just ask your ISP to create a NAT on a spare TCP port (If they will let you) to NAT that specific traffic to your gateway, then you will need create a NAT rule on your router to NAT that traffic (say it was '8080' from your ISP router) and convert you could then convert it back to '80'.
WAN->ISP Router( - 8080 to 8080)->Your Router( 8080 to 80)->Your Web Server(
Your IP address looks to be static as they've only got a block of 254 addresses so you shouldn't have to worry about it changing every so many days: