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Why do my unit tests pass with Chrome and fail with PhantomJS?

I am using Angular2 final (2.0.2) with angular-cli. I am trying to set it up for running unit tests with PhantomJS. Running the specs with Chrome and karma-chrome-launcher works - all tests pass. Running the same with Phantomjs-prebuilt 2.1.13 and karma-phantomjs-launcher 1.0.2 tests fail.

I added the phantomjs launcher to the plugins array in karma.conf, as well as PahntomJS in the browsers array.

The error I am getting is:

PhantomJS 2.1.1 (Mac OS X 0.0.0) DataTableFormat should transform date in milliseconds FAILED ReferenceError: Can't find variable: Intl in src/main/js/test.ts (line 53565) intlDateFormat@webpack:///Users/sninio/dev/csp-ui/~/@angular/common/src/facade/intl.js:117:0 <- src/main/js/test.ts:53565:20 webpack:///Users/sninio/dev/csp-ui/~/@angular/common/src/facade/intl.js:148:36 <- src/main/js/test.ts:53596:59 dateFormatter@webpack:///Users/sninio/dev/csp-ui/~/@angular/common/src/facade/intl.js:157:0 <- src/main/js/test.ts:53605:39 format@webpack:///Users/sninio/dev/csp-ui/~/@angular/common/src/facade/intl.js:192:0 <- src/main/js/test.ts:53640:29 transform@webpack:///Users/sninio/dev/csp-ui/~/@angular/common/src/pipes/date_pipe.js:92:0 <- src/main/js/test.ts:70473:90 transform@webpack:///Users/sninio/dev/csp-ui/src/main/js/app/pages/+platform/events/data-table/data-table.pipe.ts:9:4418 <- src/main/js/test.ts:52698:5787 webpack:///Users/sninio/dev/csp-ui/src/main/js/app/pages/+platform/events/data-table/data-table.pipe.spec.ts:20:30 <- src/main/js/test.ts:60923:30 execute@webpack:///Users/sninio/dev/csp-ui/~/@angular/core/bundles/core-testing.umd.j <- src/main/js/test.ts:2997:28 webpack:///Users/sninio/dev/csp-ui/~/@angular/core/bundles/core-testing.umd.js:951:32 <- src/main/js/test.ts:3084:56 invoke@webpack:///Users/sninio/dev/csp-ui/~/zone.js/dist/zone.js:203:0 <- src/main/js/test.ts:98886:33 onInvoke@webpack:///Users/sninio/dev/csp-ui/~/zone.js/dist/proxy.js:72:0 <- src/main/js/test.ts:68790:45 invoke@webpack:///Users/sninio/dev/csp-ui/~/zone.js/dist/zone.js:202:0 <- src/main/js/test.ts:98885:42 run@webpack:///Users/sninio/dev/csp-ui/~/zone.js/dist/zone.js:96:0 <- src/main/js/test.ts:98779:49 webpack:///Users/sninio/dev/csp-ui/~/zone.js/dist/jasmine-patch.js:91:27 <- src/main/js/test.ts:68526:53 execute@webpack:///Users/sninio/dev/csp-ui/~/zone.js/dist/jasmine-patch.js:119:0 <- src/main/js/test.ts:68554:46 execute@webpack:///Users/sninio/dev/csp-ui/~/zone.js/dist/jasmine-patch.js:119:0 <- src/main/js/test.ts:68554:46 invokeTask@webpack:///Users/sninio/dev/csp-ui/~/zone.js/dist/zone.js:236:0 <- src/main/js/test.ts:98919:42 runTask@webpack:///Users/sninio/dev/csp-ui/~/zone.js/dist/zone.js:136:0 <- src/main/js/test.ts:98819:57 drainMicroTaskQueue@webpack:///Users/sninio/dev/csp-ui/~/zone.js/dist/zone.js:368:0 <- src/main/js/test.ts:99051:42 PhantomJS 2.1.1 (Mac OS X 0.0.0) DataTableFormat should transform date string FAILED

Maybe I am missing some configuration in the test.ts file created by angular-cli?

UPDATE: Seems the only tests that fail import DatePipe and JsonPipe.
I tried to also import @angular/common/testing in test.ts but that doesn't help - they are not exported in the relevant index.js.
Also tried importing the entire @angular/common/pipes but that didn't work either.

here is the Pipe:

import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from "@angular/core";
import { DatePipe, JsonPipe } from "@angular/common";

@Pipe({name: 'dataTableFormat'})
export class DataTablePipe implements PipeTransform {

    // values with type 'json' are parsed to json. As a result, string values may be displayed with quotes ("<string>").
    // To avoid that, we remove these quotes with this regex
    private quotesExp: RegExp = /^\"|\"$/gi;

    constructor(private datePipe: DatePipe, private jsonPipe: JsonPipe) {


    transform(value: any, type: string): string {
        switch (type) {
            case "date":
                return this.datePipe.transform(value, 'short');
            case "json":
                return this.jsonPipe.transform(value).replace(this.quotesExp, "");
                return value;

and the spec:

import { inject, TestBed } from "@angular/core/testing";
import { DataTablePipe } from "./data-table.pipe";
import { DatePipe, JsonPipe } from "@angular/common";

describe('DataTableFormat', () => {

    beforeEach(() => {
            providers: [
                DatePipe, JsonPipe


    it('should transform date in milliseconds', inject([DatePipe, JsonPipe], (datePipe, jsonPipe) => {
        let pipe = new DataTablePipe(datePipe, jsonPipe);
        let testDate: Date = new Date();

        expect(pipe.transform(testDate.getTime(), 'date')).toBe(datePipe.transform(testDate, 'short'));

    it('should transform date string', inject([DatePipe, JsonPipe], (datePipe, jsonPipe) => {
        let pipe = new DataTablePipe(datePipe, jsonPipe);
        let testDate: Date = new Date();

        expect(pipe.transform(testDate.toISOString(), 'date')).toBe(datePipe.transform(testDate, 'short'));

    it('should transform json', inject([DatePipe, JsonPipe], (datePipe, jsonPipe) => {
        let pipe = new DataTablePipe(datePipe, jsonPipe);
        let testJson = {
            prop1: "val1",
            prop2: "val2"

        expect(pipe.transform(testJson, 'json')).toBe(jsonPipe.transform(testJson));


here is my test.ts file - didn't change it much from the one generated by angular-cli...

import "./polyfills.ts";
import "zone.js/dist/long-stack-trace-zone";
import "zone.js/dist/proxy.js";
import "zone.js/dist/sync-test";
import "zone.js/dist/jasmine-patch";
import "zone.js/dist/async-test";
import "zone.js/dist/fake-async-test";

// Unfortunately there's no typing for the `__karma__` variable. Just declare it as any.
declare var __karma__: any;
declare var require: any;

// Prevent Karma from running prematurely.
__karma__.loaded = function () {

//noinspection TypeScriptUnresolvedVariable
// First, initialize the Angular testing environment.
    .then(([testing, testingBrowser]) => {
    // Then we find all the tests.
    .then(() => require.context('./', true, /\.spec\.ts/))
    // And load the modules.
    .then(context => context.keys().map(context))
    // Finally, start Karma to run the tests.
    .then(__karma__.start, __karma__.error);

Any idea why this works for Chrome and not PhantomJS?


  • Since PhantomJS does not implement the Intl implementation Angular2 depends on, the solution was to install npm package intl polyfill and edit the polyfills.ts to include

    import 'intl';
    import 'intl/locale-data/jsonp/en.js';

    See here:
    and here: