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Error Loading Visual Studio Universal Template

I have VS Community 2015 Update three installed. I am trying to learn UWP but I keep getting the following error when trying to launch

enter image description here

One thing I noticed is that all the videos and screenshots I've seen online say "Universal" and mine says "UAP" uner "Installed\Templates\VisualC#\Windows\

enter image description here

This is what I have installed:

enter image description here

I do not have any problems opening any other templates, only the "UAP". I've been using this program all the while but with basic c# console applications. Moving to UWP now and this is what I'm faced with.

Things I've tried:

  1. Uninstalling and Reinstalling nugget manager
  2. Repairing VS installation in control panel.

Thank you in advance for your suggestions.

P.S I'm on Windows 10 Pro 14393.222


  • I solved this by totally uninstalling visual studio with a /uninstall /force

    All the sdks and emulators were uninstalled as well.

    Launched a new install from the ISO file and everything is fine now.