I want to develop a telegram Bot with multiple options, for example at first I show 3 buttons : button 1 , button 2 , button 3
and when user click on each, again, I show three other buttons : button 1 , button 2 , button 3
and after step 2, I want to show user first and second button he clicked, for example :
he first click on button 3 and then click on button 1, so, I want to show :
how can I know which button at he clicked first ? is there anyway to get chat history from bot ? or I should save his clicks on a database ? or what is your solution ?
*I am using c# and telegram.bot , but just give me a solution, language is not important.
First you can use inline keyboard that gives you the user updates with data
. That means you can obtain Ids for any question and when user click you get the question Id.
Then when user clicked a button; you get the question key and find it in the tree and ask the next question or find where it comes from (previous questions).
If you want to run any method related to each question you can simply store each question method name in tree and when user arrives fire that method with Reflection.