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How can I implement a min-heap of f64 with Rust's BinaryHeap?

I want to populate a binary heap with floats--more specifically, I'd like to implement a min-heap.

It seems that floats do not support Ord and thus aren't usable out of the box. My attempts to wrap them have so far failed. However it seems that if I could wrap them then I could also implement Ord in such a way that it would effectively make BinaryHeap a min-heap.

Here's an example of a wrapper I tried:

#[derive(PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
struct MinNonNan(f64);

impl Eq for MinNonNan {}

impl Ord for MinNonNan {
    fn cmp(&self, other: &MinNonNan) -> Ordering {
        let ord = self.partial_cmp(other).unwrap();
        match ord {
            Ordering::Greater => Ordering::Less,
            Ordering::Less => Ordering::Greater,
            Ordering::Equal => ord

The problem is pop returns the values as though it were a max-heap.

What exactly do I need to do to populate a BinaryHeap with f64 values as a min-heap?


  • Crate-based solution

    Instead of writing your own MinNonNan, consider using the ordered-float crate + the std::cmp::Reverse type.

    type MinNonNan = Reverse<NotNan<f64>>;

    Manual solution

    Since you are #[derive]ing PartialOrd, the .gt(), .lt() etc methods still compare normally, i.e. MinNonNan(42.0) < MinNonNan(47.0) is still true. The Ord bound only restricts you to provide strictly-ordered types, it doesn't mean the implementation will use .cmp() instead of </>/<=/>= everywhere, nor the compiler will suddenly change those operators to use the Ord implementation.

    If you want to flip the order, you need to implement PartialOrd as well.

    struct MinNonNan(f64);
    impl PartialOrd for MinNonNan {
        fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering> {
    impl Ord for MinNonNan {
        fn cmp(&self, other: &MinNonNan) -> Ordering {