I was very surprised not to be able to find this in the elisp manual or SO. I just want the equivalent of many languages' chr() and ord() or similar: convert between actual characters and their (unicode) code point values.
Emacs Lisp: getting ascii value of character explains that to elisp, a char just is its code-point. But what if I need the representation of that char~int as a series of ASCII decimal digits?
For example, if I wanted to generate in a buffer, a readable table showing the equivalences?
As you've already noted, characters are integers.
(eq ?A 65)
For example, if I wanted to generate in a buffer
Either of the following inserts the character A
into the buffer:
(insert ?A)
(insert 65)
If you need to deal with strings, characters can be converted to strings:
(char-to-string ?A)
(char-to-string 65)
(format "%c" 65)
(number-to-string 65)
(format "%d" 65)