Perhaps I'm misinterpreting the capabilities of the Friendly_id gem, but I haven't found any other way to accomplish this goal either:
I have an app where users get their own URL to their page, similar to what facebook does (e.g. I already have this capability working. Also similar to facebook, I'd like to enable pages to have their own URL (e.g.
I added the friendly_id gem, thinking that it had the capability to check for uniqueness among User.permalink and Page.permalink - uniqueness across columns that are in two different tables/models. Instead, I get a pages URL pattern that looks like
I can't use
resources :pages, path: ''
get '/:friendly_id', to: 'pages#show'
in routes.rb because that doesn't work with my existing Users permalink routes.
Is there a way to get unique page and user permalinks in my app?
I was considering custom subdomains instead of permalinks, but I use heroku and from what I've read, even though I have my own domain name, I cannot use subdomains on heroku. Is that correct? (Yeah, that's a separate question.)
There is a nice solution to that problem using routes constraints.
As the rails routing guide suggests, you could define routes constraints in a way that they check if a path belongs to a user or a page.
# config/routes.rb
# ...
get ':permalink', to: 'users#show', constraints: lambda { |request| User.where(permalink: request[:permalink]).any? }
get ':permalink', to: 'pages#show', constraints: lambda { |request| Page.where(permalink: request[:permalink]).any? }
The order defines the priority. In the above example, if a language and a category have the same name, the language wins as its route is defined above the category route.
The above solution requres the models to have a permalink
column that defines a url-friendly name. But if you already have an url-friendly attribute, e.g. User#alias
, you can use this as well:
# config/routes.rb
# ...
get ':alias', to: 'users#show', constraints: lambda { |request| User.where(alias: request[:alias]).any? }
get ':permalink', to: 'pages#show', constraints: lambda { |request| Page.where(permalink: request[:permalink]).any? }
If you want to make sure, all paths are uniqe, an easy way would be to define a Permalink
model and using a validation there.
Generate the database table: rails generate model Permalink path:string reference_type:string reference_id:integer && rails db:migrate
And define the validation in the model:
class Permalink < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :reference, polymorphic: true
validates :path, presence: true, uniqueness: true
And associate it with the other object types:
class Page < ApplicationRecord
has_many :permalinks, as: :reference, dependent: :destroy
This also allows you to define several permalink paths for a record.
page_about_rails.permalinks.create path: 'rails'
page_about_rails.permalinks.create path: 'ruby-on-rails'
With this solution, the routes file has to look like this:
# config/routes.rb
# ...
get ':permalink', to: 'users#show', constraints: lambda { |request| Permalink.where(reference_type: 'User', path: request[:permalink]).any? }
get ':permalink', to: 'pages#show', constraints: lambda { |request| Permalink.where(reference_type: 'Page', path: request[:permalink]).any? }
And, as a side note for other users using the cancan gem and load_and_authorize_resource
in the controller: You have to load the record by permalink before calling load_and_authorize_resource
class Page < ApplicationRecord
before_action :find_resource_by_permalink, only: :show
def find_resource_by_permalink
@page ||= Permalink.find_by(path: params[:permalink]).try(:reference)