I'm getting a wrong output when using this:
li $v0, 1
I have to save the user input as ASCII (from 0 to 9), convert it to integer, and then, print it as integer.
But when I have for example 10 in my register, it prints 16; when I have 20, it prints 32 and so on... it goes printing: my_number + 6^(n) and I don't know why...
This is my code:
num1: .space 32
num2: .space 32
entra: .asciiz "Put your Decimal: "
sale: .asciiz "\nDecimal is: "
.globl __start
la $a0, entra # print 1st text
li $v0, 4
la $s4, num1 # space to put the copy of user's word without \n
li $a1, 25 # space to put user's word (number)
li $v0, 8 # take input
la $a0, num2
li $t1, -1 # counter to know how many times we iterate over EliminarEnter
jal EliminarEnter # this function remove \n char and save it to $t4
jal Funcion # getting the symbol of the char
li $v0, 10
syscall # exit
addi $t1, $t1, 1 # increment counter
lb $t2, 0($a0) # take byte of users word
beq $t2, 10 QuitarEnter
sb $t2, 0($s4) # save the byte in $t4
addi $s4, $s4, 1
addi $a0, $a0, 1 # increment pointer in the word
j EliminarEnter
jr $ra
sub $s4, $s4, $t1 # go to the first memory adress
lb $t2, 0($s4)
beq $t2, $zero Acabar # if char is null '\0' --> End of program
addi $t3, $t2, -48 # -48, t get the symbol of my char
j GuardarIncrementar
rol $t4, $t4, 4 # rol positions
add $t4, $t4, $t3 # where I save the decimal number
addi $s4, $s4, 1 # increment adress of my new ASCII word (without '\n')
j Bucle
la $a0, sale # printing 2nd text
li $v0, 4
add $v1, $zero, $t4
move $v0, $v1
move $a0 , $v0
li $v0, 1 # printing MY NUMBER... THING THAT DOESNT WORK!!!
jr $ra # exit
You want to do decimal, so in GuardarIncrementar
rol $t4, $t4, 4 # rol positions
mul $t4, $t4, 10 # multiply by base 10