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How to rotate image and axes together on Matlab?

Code 1 where flipping vertically and/or horizontally does not affect axes(); Code 2 where proposed solution does not yield the expected output

close all; clear all; clc;
x = [5 8];
y = [3 6];
C = [0 2 4 6; 8 10 12 14; 16 18 20 22];
C2 = C(:,end:-1:1,:);           %# horizontal flip
C3 = C(end:-1:1,:,:);           %# vertical flip
C4 = C(end:-1:1,end:-1:1,:);    %# horizontal+vertical flip

subplot(2,2,1), imagesc(x,y,C)
subplot(2,2,2), imagesc(x,y,C2)
subplot(2,2,3), imagesc(x,y,C3)
subplot(2,2,4), imagesc(x,y,C4)

%% Rotations of axes() unsuccessfully 
subplot(2,2,1), imagesc(x,y,C)
x = linspace(1, size(C, 2), numel(x)); % reverse only x
set(gca, 'XTick', x, 'XTickLabel', x)
subplot(2,2,2), imagesc(x,y,C2)

x = linspace(1, size(C, 2), numel(x)); % reverse back x
set(gca, 'XTick', x, 'XTickLabel', x)  % reverse y
y = linspace(1, size(C, 1), numel(y));
set(gca, 'YTick', y, 'YTickLabel', flipud(y(:)))
subplot(2,2,3), imagesc(x,y,C3)

x = linspace(1, size(C, 2), numel(x)); % now both x,y reversed
set(gca, 'XTick', x, 'XTickLabel', x)
subplot(2,2,4), imagesc(x,y,C4)

Fig. 1 Output where axis stay untouched but images are flipped correctly, Fig. 2 Output from attempt with moving xticks/yticks

enter image description here enter image description here

Expected output:

  • Fig.1 (top-left) all correct in axes with figure
  • Fig.2 (top-right) y-axis correct but x-axis from 8 to 5
  • Fig.3 (lower-left) y-axis from 6 to 3 but x-axis correct
  • Fig.4 (lower-right) y-axis correct but x-axis from 3 to 6

Attempt 2


% 1 start of vector 2 end of vector 3 length of vector 
subplot(2,2,1), imagesc(x,y,C)
x = linspace(size(C, 2), 1, numel(x)); % reverse only x
set(gca, 'XTick', x, 'XTickLabel', x)
subplot(2,2,2), imagesc(x,y,C2)

x = linspace(1, size(C, 2), numel(x)); % reverse back x
set(gca, 'XTick', x, 'XTickLabel', x)  
y = linspace(size(C, 1), 1, numel(y)); % reverse y
set(gca, 'YTick', y, 'YTickLabel', flipud(y(:)))
subplot(2,2,3), imagesc(x,y,C3)

x = linspace(size(C, 2), 1, numel(x)); % now both x,y reversed
set(gca, 'XTick', x, 'XTickLabel', x)
y = linspace(1, size(C, 1), numel(y)); % reverse y
set(gca, 'YTick', y, 'YTickLabel', flipud(y(:)))
subplot(2,2,4), imagesc(x,y,C4)


Error using
While setting the 'XTick' property of 'Axes':
Value must be a vector of type single or double whose values increase

Error in test_imagesc_subplot_figure (line 26)
set(gca, 'XTick', x, 'XTickLabel', x)

Eskapp's proposal

I do unsuccessfully the following but no change on Fig. 2; the first row of figures stay in the same increasing order of xaxis; I also tried instead of reverse - normal

subplot(2,2,1), imagesc(x,y,C)
x = linspace(1, size(C, 2), numel(x)); % reverse only x
subplot(2,2,2), imagesc(x,y,C2)
  • Output of Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 axis stay the same

    enter image description here

Studying EBH's answer

Output in the y-axis label when using set(gca,'XTick',x,'XTickLabel',x, 'YTick',y,'YTickLabel',fliplr(y)) with variables y=linspace(0,180,181); x=0:0.5:10

enter image description here

Matlab: 2016a
OS: Debian 8.5 64 bit
Hardware: Asus Zenbook UX303UA


  • If I correctly understand your question, then this code does what you look for:

    x = 5:8;
    y = 3:6;
    C = reshape(0:2:22,4,3).';
    C2 = fliplr(C); % horizontal flip
    C3 = flipud(C); % vertical flip
    C4 = rot90(C,2); % horizontal+vertical flip
    % the answer starts here:
    subplot(2,2,1), imagesc(x,y,C)
    subplot(2,2,2), imagesc(x,y,C2)
    subplot(2,2,3), imagesc(x,y,C3)
    subplot(2,2,4), imagesc(x,y,C4)

    the result:


    I changed you x and y from 2-element vectors, but it works also if:

    x = [5 8];
    y = [3 6];


    Instead of manipulating C and create C2...C4, you can just write:

    subplot 221, imagesc(x,y,C)
    subplot 222, imagesc(fliplr(x),y,C)
    subplot 223, imagesc(x,fliplr(y),C)
    subplot 224, imagesc(fliplr(x),fliplr(y),C)

    and add the manipulation on the axis after each call to subplot like before.


    Using your sizes and limits of the vectors:

    x = linspace(0,10,6);
    y = linspace(0,180,19); % no need to plot each label
    N = 3613;
    C = diag(1:N)*ones(N)+rot90(diag(1:N)*ones(N)); % some arbitrary matrix 

    where all the rest of the code above remains the same, I get the following result:
