I have a table that tracks the usage of a certain resource. It looks like this:
started | timestamp with time zone | not null
last_ping | timestamp with time zone |
stopped | timestamp with time zone |
The stopped
and last_ping
fields may be empty. If they're both filled, stopped
is relevant.
The start and stop dates can span only a few seconds or multiple dates.
I want to get a list of daily usage over the last 14 days.
I'm aware that I can get a list of the last 14 days:
FROM generate_series(CURRENT_DATE, CURRENT_DATE - 14, '-1 day'::interval) day;
I can get the total duration for each usage entry:
SELECT COALESCE(stopped, last_ping, started) - started AS duration
FROM api_sessionusage;
I can also combine the two queries and add a limit that only takes into account duration until midnight:
LEAST(COALESCE(stopped, last_ping, started), day + interval '1 day') - started
FROM api_sessionusage
WHERE started >= day AND started < day + interval '1 day'
) AS aggregated_duration
FROM generate_series(CURRENT_DATE, CURRENT_DATE -14, '-1 day'::interval) day;
The problem here is that usage sessions that end after midnight are only counted for the starting day, but the duration after midnight is not taken into account.
How can I rewrite the query so that I get an aggregated usage for each day during the last 14 days?
Use overlap and intersect operators of timestamp range type:
sum(upper(daily_range) - lower(daily_range))
from (
session_range * tstzrange(day, day::date + 1) daily_range
from generate_series(current_date, current_date -14, '-1 day'::interval) day
left join (
select tstzrange(started, coalesce(stopped, last_ping, started)) session_range
from api_sessionusage
) s
on session_range && tstzrange(day, day::date + 1)
) s
group by 1
order by 1;
coalesce(stopped, last_ping, started) - started as duration
yields zero if both stopped
and last_ping
are null. Maybe it should be
coalesce(stopped, last_ping, current_date) --?