i am trying to search multiple roll numbers from database with html form e.g 2345,7654,8976 in a single field now for php i am trying
$query = "SELECT `firstname`, `lastname`, `roll`, `board`, `city` FROM `result` WHERE 1=1";
$query.="and roll IN ('$mroll')";
but $_POST['mroll'] will be like this => 2345,7654,8976 for sql i have to quote them like this => '2345','7654','8976' before using it in query please help.
Since the values are integers if you unquote the variable the query will be valid. This will open you to SQL injections though. You should use a parameterized query and pass each value in as a placeholder. Try something like:
$query = "SELECT `firstname`, `lastname`, `roll`, `board`, `city` FROM `result` WHERE 1=1";
if(isset($_POST['mroll'])) {
foreach(explode(',', $mroll) as $int) {
$placeholders .= '?, ';
$params[] = $int;
$placeholders = rtrim ($placeholders, ', ');
$query .= " and roll IN ($placeholders)";
Demo: https://eval.in/657610
Technically you could just change:
$query.="and roll IN ('$mroll')";
$query.="and roll IN ($mroll)";
highly discourage that approach though.
Your query when quoted becomes:
SELECT `firstname`, `lastname`, `roll`, `board`, `city` FROM `result` WHERE 1=1and IN ('2345,7654,8976')
which makes 2345,7654,8976
one value, not three values.