I've a non core webapi and a identityserver v3. now i want to implement a asp core website.
The asp core test website runs on http://localhost:49946/
Is it possible to use a asp core site with an identityserver v3 sts server? Are there any known issues?
I tried it but i always get
The client application is not known or is not authorized.
I made sure that the redirect uri and the client id match.
Here my client config in the identityserver
return new Client
Enabled = true,
ClientId = "website",
ClientName = "Site",
Flow = Flows.Implicit,
AllowedScopes = new List<string>
RedirectUris = new List<string>
PostLogoutRedirectUris = new List<string>
Here the config for the asp core mvc client
app.UseOpenIdConnectAuthentication(new OpenIdConnectOptions
AuthenticationScheme = "oidc",
SignInScheme = "Cookies",
Authority = "http://localhost:7890",
RequireHttpsMetadata = false,
ClientId = "website",
ResponseType = "id_token token",
Scope = { "openid profile email warehouseapi" },
GetClaimsFromUserInfoEndpoint = true,
SaveTokens = true,
AutomaticAuthenticate = true,
AutomaticChallenge = true,
here the url that the client redirects to when he wants to authenticate. there you can see that redirect uri is set to http://localhost:49946/
Is this just a compatibility issue ? anything i'm overseeing?
-- Update
Thx to the hint of leastprivilege i found the solution in the log. there was a unexpected subpath /signin-oidc
In Trace I see
2016-10-08 13:07:41.450 +02:00 [Information] Start authorize request
2016-10-08 13:07:41.465 +02:00 [Information] Start authorize request protocol validation
2016-10-08 13:07:41.498 +02:00 [Error] "Invalid redirect_uri: http://localhost:49946/signin-oidc"
\"ClientId\": \"website\",
\"ClientName\": \"Pluto Site\",
\"RedirectUri\": \"http://localhost:49946/signin-oidc\",
\"AllowedRedirectUris\": [
\"SubjectId\": \"unknown\",
\"Flow\": \"AuthorizationCode\",
\"RequestedScopes\": \"\",
\"Raw\": {
\"client_id\": \"website\",
\"redirect_uri\": \"http://localhost:49946/signin-oidc\",
\"response_type\": \"id_token token\",
\"scope\": \"openid profile openid profile email warehouseapi\",
\"response_mode\": \"form_post\",
\"nonce\": \"636115215901620557.ZTNkNmFmYjMtOTY4MC00ODE3LWExMmEtYTc0OWYzYzRkZmY4MDRlM2JjZjUtZGViNC00MjIyLWI1MTktOTM4Y2U2MWFkYzkw\",
\"state\": \"CfDJ8Faq7VwoA29ApMd_ECq59RmXQrEZdMEoqQ9onYQLXRTRz-ge13paqnwmi_xjJMoVpaItur0ETX08PxoOzQ-YUn--7DR1pvaxqUngPYOiS44j4t9bS4_yiu7Gb1fjU_R5OiZU2cc-0T6PzT_WgUZ48rqC-unHdJqd_NgE7D_9H9ZT1a-2J3GBZEkfh4LOCHHtfcuG06lgXTPn85fkVKcWxbqn6pTrCLRhiRfH9h41e6bvKsGTOmzJ45G9HRpEAlyo7GkgtFgrrshKNo0xDsIxXjAhxp_me_tipBEpyHT8Mo7T9G4-HTtP8FSnb7YurSWjfywOpEG136-T7wvksCEwlMGrL8k90v6prM-bwefOhCFA-8vJO1hvtKkF3wPSgeMiYg\"
In asp core there is a subpath silently appended
soo http://localhost:49946/signin-oidc had to be added to the redirect uris