I have a column in Excel I'm trying to import, and it includes codes like the following:
I use IMEX=1 and everything imports as TEXT but when I assign the select to temporary table with nvarchar type, the codes with long numbers become incorrect:
1001051 becomes 1.00105e+006
I tried to cast to bigint, but this makes the code lose the leading 0 in 01166
this is my current query:
(CASE ISNUMERIC([item_code]) WHEN 1 THEN CAST(CAST([item_code] AS BIGINT) AS nvarchar) ELSE CAST([item_code] AS nvarchar) END)
'Excel 12.0 Xml;HDR=YES;IMEX=1;Database=C:\path\file.xls',
'SELECT * FROM [sheet$]')
allows reading mixed columns; it does not force data values to be text.
Looking at this SO page, you can see a possible workaround if you set HDR=NO
, but that has its own complications.
If you can, the best thing to do is set the format of the column in the spreadsheet to Text.