I'm looking to embed Solr as a library in a .Net app. I understand that there is an embedded Java client which queries a Solr core directly, and I could potentially run this on IKVM, however, I'm looking for something which has been translated. I also have looked at Solrnet, but it appears to be only a client to an http-hosted Solr instance, which I also don't want.
Is anyone aware of work on a Solr.Net conversion?
As far as I know, no, nobody's working on such a port.
I did try IKVM for this over a year ago, but it's not as easy as it might seem. Lots of errors about classes not found, and it seems that it's not always possible to pass your own ClassLoader. But you're more than welcome to pick up where I left off ;-)
UPDATE: I made significant progress with Solr + IKVM