Search code examples

Solr: where x is between y and z

I have a Solr schema where my objects can have these two fields:

  • SerialNumberStart
  • SerialNumberEnd

For example:

"SerialNumberStart": "0000067098910",
"SerialNumberEnd": "0000067098920",

When querying, I want to be able to pass in a SerialNumberStart in my query. If that serialNumber matches on a document's serialNumberStart, I want to grab that document. However, when it doesn't match, I want to find all documents where the serialNumber I pass in is between SerialNumberStart and SerialNumberEnd. The second part of my query after the or should be something like: get the documents where someSerialStart is between documentSerialStart and documentSerialEnd.

I build up the query from JavaScript. I was trying to put the range together as follows, but it doesn't seem to be correct, yet I don't know how to fix it.

var value = req.query['matchedPattern.serialNumber'];
return 'SerialSNumberStart:' + value +  ' OR (SerialNumberStart:[* TO ' + value + '] AND SerialNumberEnd:[' + value + ' TO *])';



  • I updated the answer based on your clarifications. There are 4 cases you need to investigate: 1 SN exists 2 SN does not exist 2.1 Get range before SN 2.2 Get range after SN

    Intuitively, I'd definitely break it into two blocks: 1 SN exists, so serve it back to the client. Here is what it looks like:

    The response is like:

    1. If your SN does not exist, the response returns "numFound":1, this is when you need to run your searches. So if there is no doc, the query would look the following:

    The response looks like:

    "sort":"id asc",

    2.1 So you need the next neighbour before the SN. There are two things I'd add to the descending range search, sorting and a limit to the number of answers. Here is what the query would like:[*%20TO%20S9V7464-APL-KIT5]&rows=1&sort=id%20desc&start=0&wt=json

    The response would look like:

    "q":"id:[* TO S9V7464-APL-KIT5]",
    "sort":"id desc",
    "name":["Belkin Mobile Power Cord for iPod w/ Dock"],
    "features":["car power adapter, white"],

    2.2 You need an ascending range, sorted and limited by the number of returned docs. Something like:[S9V7464-APL-KIT5%20TO%20*]&rows=1&sort=id%20asc&start=0&wt=json

    The response would be similar to this:

    "q":"id:[S9V7464-APL-KIT5 TO *]",
    "sort":"id asc",
    "name":["Belkin Mobile Power Cord for iPod w/ Dock"],
    "features":["car power adapter, white"],

    Increasing rows returns more documents, modifying start can be used as an offset to get the Nth neighbour.