I have checked on how to make single-cell array UDFs and cannot make head nor tail of what I have seen so I thought maybe I had better ask!
I was wondering if anyone could please help me figure out how to convert my UDF to something that can handle a range, the output of which could then be averaged.
I have created a UDF to find the number of months in an age in this format:
Chronological Age
the UDF goes as follows:
Function GDAgeToMonths(YearsMonths As String) As Integer
Dim Colonz As Integer, Yearz As Integer, Monthz As Integer, Greaterz As Integer
' check if the stings consists of ">" sign
If InStr(YearsMonths, ">") >= 1 Then
Greaterz = 2
Greaterz = 1
End If
' check position of ":" or "." sign
If InStr(YearsMonths, ":") >= 1 Then
Colonz = InStr(YearsMonths, ":")
Colonz = InStr(YearsMonths, ".")
End If
Yearz = Mid(YearsMonths, Greaterz, Colonz - Greaterz)
Monthz = Right(YearsMonths, Len(YearsMonths) - Colonz)
GDAgeToMonths = Yearz * 12 + Monthz
End Function
So I was thinking something along the lines of:
Function GDAverageAge(AgeRange As Range) As Integer
Dim MonthsRange As Range, AverageMonths As Double
MonthsRange = GDAgeToMonths(AgeRange)
AverageMonths = WorksheetFunction.Average(MonthsRange)
GDAverageRange = GDMonthsToAge(AverageMonths)
End Function
With the function below to turn the average from months back to an age:
Function GDMonthsToAge(NumberofMonths As Integer) As String
Dim Yearz As Integer, Monthz As Integer
Yearz = NumberofMonths \ 12
Monthz = NumberofMonths - (12 * Yearz)
GDMonthsToAge = Yearz & ":" & Monthz
End Function
I really hope this makes sense!
I do not really know if it has to be an array formula per se or whether it would do something with a range but I am basically planning to use a formula to average the result of a formula run on each cell in a range.
Any help will be gratefully received!
Thank you for your time!
You were kind of close, you just needed a For loop:
Function GDAverageAge(Ages As Range) As String
Dim c As Integer, a As Integer, am As Integer, v As Variant
'Counter of number of entries in range
c = 0
'Total value of range in months
a = 0
For Each v In Ages
a = a + GDAgeToMonths(v.Value)
c = c + 1
Next v
am = a / c
GDAverageAge = GDMonthsToAge(am)
End Function
Works here- enjoy!