I am having trouble pushing my docker image to the hub using the following command:
mvn clean package docker:build -DpushImage
Each time I get the following response:
[WARNING] Failed to push jdruwe/k8s-product-owner, retrying in 10 seconds (5/5).
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal com.spotify:docker-maven-plugin:0.4.13:build (default-cli) on project k8s-product-owner: Exception caught: unauthorized: authentication required -> [Help 1]
When I try to login using one of the following commands, I keep getting the errors even tough the login succeeded
docker login -u jdruwe https://index.docker.io/v1/
docker login
I did create an empty repo on hub just to try fixing it:
Any ideas?
Did you correctly configure the authentication settings?
User and password can be set in settings.xml:
Then, the pom references these settings:
<version>VERSION GOES HERE</version>
More detailed information can be found here: https://github.com/spotify/docker-maven-plugin#authenticating-with-private-registries