I have a math solver python program but it can't read "×" sign, so It can not solve the equation. Is there any way to convert "×" into "*"?
Python shell:
>>> 3 × 5
`SyntaxError: invalid character in identifier
>>> 3 * 5
Update: I tried this too, but did not work.
if (parser.getPayload().lower()[:6]=="solve:"):
if ("×" in parser.getPayload().lower()):
parser.sendGroupMessage(parser.getTargetID(), str(ast.literal_eval(parser.getPayload()[7:])))
Let's go over your code line by line.
if (parser.getPayload().lower()[:6]=="solve:"):
Fine I guess, don't know your protocol but makes sense this way.
if ("×" in parser.getPayload().lower()):
Converting to lower case should not be needed. If it were, caching that might be useful. I also wonder whether you need that check, or whether you might as well do the replacement unconditionally, since that makes the code easier and should't be much of a performance problem. It might even help performance since you avoid scanning for the first ×
is a method of the class str
, not a function in some module called str
. You need to call the replace
method on your payload. So either use something like parser.setPayload(parser.getPayload().replace("×","*"))
or store the payload in a local variable which you can modify.
parser.sendGroupMessage(parser.getTargetID(), str(ast.literal_eval(parser.getPayload()[7:])))
Are you sure you only want to do this in the case there is a ×
in the input? Anyway, read the docs for ast.literal_eval
: it will not evaluate operators. So this is not what you need. If you need to evaluate operators, you may call eval
, but if you do, you must sanitize your input first to ensure it doesn't do anything evil.
I'd do something like this:
sanitizeRegexp = re.compile(r"\A[0-9+\-*/ ]*\Z") # only allow these
payload = parser.getPayload()
if payload.lower()[:6] == "solve:":
payload = payload[7:] # strip command
payload = payload.replace("×", "*")
if sanitizeRegexp.match(payload):
result = str(eval(payload))
result = "Invalid input: " + payload
parser.sendGroupMessage(parser.getTargetID(), result)