I am using mitmproxy, a python man-in-the-middle (MITM) proxy for HTTP, to modify on the fly the HTTP request of a certain website.
For test purposes, when it receives an HTTP request, it should save it (it receives a HTTPFlow object) and the next time the same request will be made i need to resent the exact same data/html/header/resourses/ecc.. to the browser.
The obvious solution is to serialize the object but it isn't serializable!
I cannot simply keep it in memory because i need to restart the proxy during the tests
What can i do to achieve my goal?
I have already tried pickle, cPickle and marshal with the following errors:
a class that defines __slots__ without defining __getstate__ cannot be pickled
can't pickle CDataGCP objects
- ValueError: unmarshallable object
Found solution (the HTTPFlow obj has a method to get the state)
from mitmproxy.models import HTTPFlow
from mitmproxy.models import HTTPResponse
Save state:
cached_state = http_flow_response.response.get_state()
Load state:
# create the obj
http_response = HTTPResponse(
cached_state['http_version'], # "HTTP/1.1"
cached_state['status_code'], # 200
cached_state['reason'], # "Ok"
cached_state['headers'], # Headers(content_type="...")
cached_state['content']) # str
# send the obj