It appears as if filterrific does not take content in translation tables into account (Globalize).
Is there anyway to search translation tables as well? My setup works perfectly well if the content is in the actual model. However, once the fields are empty and only entered in the translation table no results are being displayed (obviously).
My Model:
class Manual < ApplicationRecord
translates :title, :content, :teaser, :slug
extend FriendlyId
friendly_id :title, :use => :globalize
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :support_category
has_many :manual_faqs
has_many :faqs, :through => :manual_faqs
validates :title, presence: true
validates :content, presence: true
validates :user_id, presence: true
update_index('manuals#manual') { self }
default_filter_params: { sorted_by: 'created_at_desc' },
available_filters: [
scope :with_user_id, lambda { |user_ids|
where(user_id: [*user_ids])
scope :search_query, lambda { |query|
# Searches the students table on the 'first_name' and 'last_name' columns.
# Matches using LIKE, automatically appends '%' to each term.
# LIKE is case INsensitive with MySQL, however it is case
# sensitive with PostGreSQL. To make it work in both worlds,
# we downcase everything.
return nil if query.blank?
# condition query, parse into individual keywords
terms = query.downcase.split(/\s+/)
# replace "*" with "%" for wildcard searches,
# append '%', remove duplicate '%'s
terms = { |e|
('%' + e.gsub('*', '%') + '%').gsub(/%+/, '%')
# configure number of OR conditions for provision
# of interpolation arguments. Adjust this if you
# change the number of OR conditions.
num_or_conds = 2
where( { |term|
"(LOWER(manuals.title) LIKE ? OR LOWER(manuals.content) LIKE ?)"
}.join(' AND '),
* { |e| [e] * num_or_conds }.flatten
scope :sorted_by, lambda { |sort_option|
# extract the sort direction from the param value.
direction = (sort_option =~ /desc$/) ? 'desc' : 'asc'
case sort_option.to_s
when /^created_at_/
# Simple sort on the created_at column.
# Make sure to include the table name to avoid ambiguous column names.
# Joining on other tables is quite common in Filterrific, and almost
# every ActiveRecord table has a 'created_at' column.
order("manuals.created_at #{ direction }")
raise(ArgumentError, "Invalid sort option: #{ sort_option.inspect }")
scope :created_at_gte, lambda { |reference_time|
where('manuals.created_at >= ?', reference_time)
def self.options_for_sorted_by
['Date received (newest first)', 'created_at_desc'],
['Date received (oldest first)', 'created_at_asc']
My Controller:
def index
@filterrific = initialize_filterrific(
select_options: {
sorted_by: Manual.options_for_sorted_by,
with_user_id: User.options_for_select
) or return
@manuals =[:page])
respond_to do |format|
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound => e
# There is an issue with the persisted param_set. Reset it.
puts "Had to reset filterrific params: #{ e.message }"
redirect_to(reset_filterrific_url(format: :html)) and return
I don't know filterrific at all but I do know Globalize, and since filterrific is based on AR scopes it should be simply a matter of joining the translation table to get results to show up.
Here's your search_query
scope modified to join and search the joined translations table (without the comments for clarity):
scope :search_query, lambda { |query|
return nil if query.blank?
terms = query.downcase.split(/\s+/)
terms = { |e|
('%' + e.gsub('*', '%') + '%').gsub(/%+/, '%')
num_or_conds = 2
('(LOWER(manual_translations.title) LIKE ? OR'\
' LOWER(manual_translations.content) LIKE ?)' * (terms.count)).join(' AND '),
* { |e| [e] * num_or_conds }.flatten
Notice I've only changed two things: (1) I've appended with_translations
, a method described in this SO answer which joins the translations for the current locale, and (2) I've swapped the manuals
table for the manual_translations
table in the query.
So if you call this query in the English locale:
you get this SQL:
SELECT "manuals".* FROM "manuals"
INNER JOIN "manual_translations" ON "manual_translations"."manual_id" = "manuals"."id"
WHERE (LOWER(manual_translations.title) LIKE '%foo%' OR
LOWER(manual_translations.content) LIKE '%foo%')
AND "manual_translations"."locale" = 'en'"
Notice that with_translations
is automatically tagging on that manual_translations.locale = 'en'
so you filter out only results in your locale, which I assume is what you want.
Let me know if that works for you.