I'm implementing image mosaic in Matlab using SURF.the problem is
outputView = imref2d(size(img1)*2);
Ir = imwarp(img2,tform,'OutputView',outputView);
it produces
i want it something like this
if i change
outputView = imref2d(size(img1)*2);
outputView = imref2d(size(img1));
matlab crops the second image so it can fit in first image size after transforming.
Notice that when you warp the image with respect to the target plane, many of the pixels in this new plane are equal to 0. A very rudimentary algorithm is to simply threshold your image so that you find values above 0 then find the largest bounding box that encompasses the non-zero pixels... then crop:
[rows,cols] = find(Ir(:,:,1) > 0);
topLeftRow = min(rows);
topLeftCol = min(cols);
bottomRightRow = max(rows);
bottomRightCol = max(cols);
Ir_crop = Ir(topLeftRow:bottomRightRow, topLeftCol:bottomRightCol, :);